Tag Archives: Papa Smurf

Smurf Ville

In the Johan et Pirlouit stories, the Smurf village is made up of mushroom-like houses of different shapes and sizes in a desolate and rocky land with just a few trees. Beautifully well-put forces of labor working together for there own kind. But there is this other Smurf Ville that is made up of a building with expensive granites that is equipped with social statuses, bureaucracy, class differences and hierarchy. However, not all the Smurfs are alike. You may encounter some good Smurfs, those who have the will and the power to work all day for the sake of Smurfians.

In their Smurf Ville there is the Egocentric Smurf; he thinks he knows it all. He only speaks in the “I” and “me” language. There is also the “idiot” Smurf, the “greedy” Smurf, the “superficial” Smurf, and the “narcissist” Smurf. These Smurfs are sucked into hierarchy of their village. They all want to be Papa Smurf. They all want to climb the triangle of hierarchy on the sake of others. They hide their greed, narcissism and idiocy under the veil of their hypocritical Smurfitarianism. Seniors in their hypocritical lives, forces of false labor and fabricated truth. In there Smurf Ville a brainwashing mechanism. They interact with a large number of people everyday, in relatively close quarters. They make them subject to their rules and policies. Turning peasants into modern society workers. They give them few dollars, a small home and a suit and a tie and say “ have a good life”, don’t worry you’ll adapt – we did.

But my Smurf Ville is not like any other Ville. In my Smurf Ville there is justice, hope and truth. My Smurfs don’t want to be emperors, that’s not their business. They don’t want to rule or conquer. They want to help everyone if possible. My Ville does not have a system that makes Smurfs hate one another; they have the power to make life free and beautiful.

Day by day, their Ville is gaining ground upon my Ville; day-by-day we are becoming subservient to them. The time will come when they will hold the real supremacy over all the Smurf villages. But, my Smurfs will not give themselves to brutes and despair. My Smurfs will fight rather with swords but with unity. They will fight for justice, truth and hope of all Smurfs. Hence, evil never prevails, but the goodness within you will always triumph.